Looking for who works on the Club Penguin idea page? Well your at the right place! This page was created for people to learn about the creators, admins and authors of the C.P.I team and about there Club Penguin career.
As you can see there is not many workers at the moment though we are catching up with people asking them if they would like to join the site. If you do, just click here!
What the pictures mean:
- If its a picture with a penguin, it is their custom penguin avatar
- If it is a blue question mark, it means it is a secret worker
- If it is a purple question mark, it means the person does not have a custom penguin yet
- If it is a red question mark, it means there are new authors/admins coming soon
Creator, Admin, graphics designer, Behind the scenes worker, Template designer
Hey guys! My same is Slidz. I would probably be remembered from Club Penguin Copyright or the main character on Club Penguin Unknown (The old Club Penguin Comedy show). I have been on Club Penguin since 20th November 2005 and been blogging since July 2008. I live in Canada and I have ancestors from the U.S.A and Australia. And if you like, follow me on twitter by Clicking here. We may become great friends!
Admin, behind the scenes worker, Party planner
Hello, i'm a secret C.P.I team member. I'm unable to tell you my name and since i'm not allowed to tell you much, all i'm going to say is that I work behind the scenes every day, doing stuff to help this website. Also, if Slidz or Tropical1 is to busy to post anything or make graphics, I can take their spots for a while.
Author, Page creators
Hey! My name is Tropical1 and I was originally a Club Penguin Copyright worker. Sadly, I don't have a custom penguin or a twitter because my mom doesn't let me do that type of stuff. :( Anyway, I started Club Penguin in March 2008 and I was popular for American idol igloos. I live in the U.S.A and its one of the best places on earth!
New admins and authors coming soon...
If you are an author here, your custom penguin picture, cp name and some things about you will appear. We never share ANY personal information about the authors or admins unless they want us to add a type of personal information for E.g. Your Country.